Hello peoples!
I guess I didn't make myself very clear yesterday so I just wanted to quickly clear up some confusion. When I introduced myself in Chinese I didn't use a random name. 福爱婷 is my Chinese name.
In my Chinese class our first "homework" assignment was to find a Chinese name to use, and 老师 (teacher) said it may help to ask someone Chinese for help.
I already knew that I wanted 福 (fu) to be my surname. Both of my sisters have the surname 福 even though they come from different orphanages and different cities. So in honor of them I wanted to choose to have the same name. 福 means good fortune; blessings; happiness. After deciding that I hopped on WeChat (social media site used in China) and messaged the guide I had had this past summer while I was in China. I explained my situation and asked her if she could help me come up with the rest of my name. She was very excited to help and came up with 爱婷 (ai ting). She told me it was a beautiful name and that 婷 was something many girls in China liked. 爱 means love and 婷 is one of the radicals in the character 婷婷 (ting ting) which means graceful. So my full name 福爱婷 (fu ai ting) means blessings, love, and graceful. I am very honored that my guide helped me pick such a beautiful name and that she believes it represents me well. Even though I only need to use it for this class, I plan to continue to use it as my official Chinese name!
I hope that helped clear things up and explain why the name is so special to me.
That's my view!
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