So yesterday as I was driving home it was pouring down rain. To the point where I could not see very well. While I was driving "One Drop" by Plumb came on the radio. (Here is the really cute lyric video!)
So it got me thinking (always a dangerous thing) it really does only take one person to make a difference. I can make a difference in lives of orphans all the way in china because I'm "jumping in" and going. I don't know if I can adequately explain how much these lyrics speak to me.
This whole dream of going to china with my mom on a mission trip started, I think, at least two years ago. It's been on our hearts for so long, and now we are finally going! And we may be going with the smallest group ever, BUT together we can do ANYTHING. I may be nervous and scared, but I'm ready to give it all I've got! I'm ready to go share God's love with these kiddos and the nannies at the orphanage.
And on a related note, today on the way home "Difference Maker" by NeedToBreathe was playing on the radio. I really want to make a difference, so to hear these songs in the past few days has been such an encouragement.
That's my view!
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